A4B Student Portal
The student folder containing material such as the class schedule, vocab list, etc. can be found at lisaan.com/a4bfolder
Please wait 15 seconds for all videos to load up. If viewing on phone, scroll down to select the week. We recommend watching on you laptop instead of your phone and watch on YouTube for the correction notes. You can do so by clicking on “Youtube” when hovering over a video
Term 1 Part 2
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16
Week 17
Week 18
Week 19
Week 20
Week 21
Week 22
Halfway Exam
Week 13
Sunday Lesson
Week 14
Sunday Lesson
Week 15
Sunday Lesson
Week 16
Sunday Lesson
Week 17
Sunday Lesson
Week 18
Sunday Lesson
Week 19
Sunday Lesson
Week 20
Sunday Lesson
Week 21
Sunday Lesson
Week 22
Sunday Lesson
Halfway Exam
Sunday Lesson